Content Written By: April Wilson, Ryan Winter LLC contributing writer
Having the ability to work and accomplish tasks from home has never been more important. More and more companies are finding ways to help their employees and their customers meet this need.
People around the country are able to work, educate their kids, buy groceries, buy clothes, even buy a car all from their home with the use of online technology. But what about buying a home? Jacksonville title companies, title companies around Florida and title companies around the country are making strides to allow people to buy a house remotely.
Remote Online Closings Are Possible
With the use of secure online portals, title companies can perform closings remotely. US Patriot Title, a title company in Florida, uses two programs, Qualia and Pavaso, to accomplish remote online closings.
Closing documents are put together within Qualia. Essential documents are available in the secure portal for each individual. Individuals have to log in using their secure login information to access any of the documents. Documents can be signed and delivered within the portal keeping sensitive information secure. Any documents that need to be notarized have to go through Pavaso, a remote online notarization platform.
Remote Online Notarizations using Pavaso
Pavaso is an eClosing platform with eNotary capabilities available for most states. Florida regulations as of January 2020 allow for eNotarizations. According to the Florida Department of State, “This law authorizes Florida notaries to perform online remote notarizations after the completion of an application and training requirements.” US Patriot Title is certified to conduct eClosings and eNotarizations in the state of Florida.
What is a remote online notarization exactly? Pavaso defines this process as: “The act of notarizing documents electronically with an electronic seal online, from a separate physical location than the signer.”
This means the notary and the signer can be in completely different locations and still sign and notarize all necessary documents. This can be especially beneficial when the buyer is from out of town. For foreigners, this process may be more complicated and therefore they may not be eligible for eNotarizations.
RON Process with Pavaso
The way the process works is pretty simple, as long as both the signer and the notary have a good internet connection and video capability.
● First, a meeting time will be established for both the signer and the notary to log-on to the Pavaso portal for the eNotarization.
● Then all necessary documents will be securely uploaded to the Pavaso portal for signing.
● When signing day comes, both the signer and notary will log into Pavaso and turn on their audio-video technology.
● Then the eNotarization begins (each party will need to be alone in the room during the notarization.)
● Once the eNotarization is complete, the recording and documents will be saved and archived.
“Our remote online notarization solution provides the ultimate convenience by allowing signers to be virtually anywhere in the world to eSign closing documents, where they appear before the remote online notary to remote online notarize, using two-way audio-video technology,” Pavaso says.
Note: Cash transactions and seller mail away transactions do not require any lender approval. All other transactions are subject to lender approval. Many lenders will still require wet signings for their required documents.
CLICK HERE for a full checklist on everything you need for your scheduled RON
US Patriot Title is dedicated to helping make the closing process as smooth and as secure as possible. US Patriot Title is committed to taking care of your customers like they are their own.